Massimiliano Lusetti

26 feb 20194 min

My first home starting from scratch!

Home, the concept is broad and can be interpreted in a myriad of different ways. Each of us has his own personal way of interpreting this idea and putting it into practice.

The approach to the realization of the objective is subject to infinite variations, too. In this short article, we will focus our attention on some strategies to achieve our goals from a financial point of view. To get hold of your first home, you need to invest a quantity of money that is not immediately available and you have accumulated over several years. Money is the tool that pays the work to make the house, the time to be used in the realization and planning of the project, the value of the materials to be purchased to make it happen. The first step is to focus on the amount of money available to invest in our home and the strategies we can apply to implement it in a sustainable way.

In order to make the project sustainable, it is necessary to consider our personal balance what constitutes the balance the ability to work and "psychophysical sustainability" ( your ability to maintain the objective without excessive stress). Reaching goals in the medium-term and not depriving ourselves of those pleasures that allow us to gratify every moment of our life is the limit of sustainability of commitment.

Evaluate well what the concept of home means to us and how we intend to use it, it can give us an indication of the area, the number of rooms needed, the essential characteristics and the type of use we will make of it.

The next step to consider is to understand what we are willing to give up and in return, what can we have if we adapt to alternative solutions, where to contain the spending budget and eventually where to find recovery materials that can provide low-cost, high-quality solutions and visual impact.

we could affirm that the more the house is spacious, the more it will cost because it uses more material, more energy is needed to manage it and more time is needed to keep it efficient (cleaning and maintenance). So, if we can contain spaces and make them multifunctional and flexible to different needs, we can find a way to save both in the purchase and in the use.

Our suggestion is therefore to take paper and pen and materialize on a sheet a budget to begin to draw up the list of our needs:

  1. how much do I spend renting to live in the house where I live?

  2. how much administration costs - energy (electricity - gas etc ...) do I support to live in my accommodation during the year?

  3. in a mortgage paying a loan rate equal to the rent how much funding can I make available?

  4. Do I have savings that I can invest and how much?

  5. can I cover rent and household expenses easily, or bear these expenses, I am struggling with other things that would make my life more rewarding?

  6. how many people live in my family and each of them how it uses, how much it uses, where does it use the house?

  7. where can I place my house according to my current life and the needs of my family and find an economical place to live?

  8. I have particular manual skills and I think I can do some construction work even if I need a guide?

Responding to these questions and preparing the requirements diagram we can categorize our possibilities and orient ourselves in researching the building that is exactly right for us inside the real estate market. Very often we start looking for a property without having carried out this research, halfway between internal introspection and the financial budget, we wonder when doubt is growing up while we are visiting properties that, most often are clearly beyond our possibilities, and so, we risk misrepresenting our need.

The process of research and focus on our needs leads us not to find the ultimate home, rather, making the balance of all factors involved in the choice, we will find a home that is a compromise betwen divergent needs. But this should be a

good deal to improve our intentions. Moving to an intermediate choice will allow us, making a wise investment and finding the best opportunity, to own a house that does not meet all our future needs but can give positive answers to many of our current needs and we will be able to climb later the cliff. If you invest and enhance the property within your budget, after a lustre you will have accumulated further wealth to invest and using your own first real estate, reselling it at a better price because it is still new and functional. Consider the hypothesis that a house is not forever even if owned, or at least it will not be such until we have achieved our ideal.

MyArching as well as helping you find a property with its property finder service can also provide a facilitation service to help you plan to achieve your ideal home by modulating it, according to your budget, in a scalable context and finding alternative housing solutions and methods of financing measured on your skills and competencies.
